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COFFYLAW, LLC > Blog (Page 2)

What You Need to Know About Tortious Interference 

A tort is a civil wrong as opposed to a crime, which is a violation of a criminal statute. Tortious interference is a civil wrong involving a third party who interferes in your business dealings and relationships.   Perhaps the most common example of tortious interference is when a third party, generally a competitor, induces someone to break a contract they have with you and your business. This can be done by offering a better deal to a supplier, for instance, or by using threats or even blackmail to force someone to break a contract.  The aggrieved party – say, the business owner...

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Preparing for Bankruptcy 

The word “bankruptcy” brings a lot of not-so-positive connotations, but in reality, this could be the best choice for you and your family. However, because there’s so much negative discourse about it in our society, many people don’t fully understand the process or how they can help themselves by methodically preparing for bankruptcy. If you’d like to speak with a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney about your options for filing with Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy, reach out to COFFYLAW, LLC. The attorneys at COFFYLAW, LLC have an abundance of knowledge and practice when dealing with bankruptcy matters. With offices in New Jersey...

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S.2774 – Pride in Patent Ownership Act

The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled this bill https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2774 for discussion Thursday December 15, 2022. Introduced in Senate (09/21/2021) Pride in Patent Ownership Act This bill requires disclosure of certain patent-related information, including information about ownership and funding. Under the bill, if a foreign or domestic governmental entity provides funding for fees related to a patent application or for paying an attorney (or patent agent) to prosecute the patent application, the application must disclose the amount and source of such funding. Similarly, if any governmental entity provides funding for paying a patent's maintenance fees or for paying an attorney (or patent agent) to submit such maintenance fees,...

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What to Do If You Suspect a Patent Infringement 

In the United States, patent laws are designed to protect an inventor's exclusive rights to sell, make, use, or import their invention for a particular period. When a person violates your rights as a patent owner with respect to an invention, you may have a patent infringement claim against them. An experienced New Jersey intellectual property attorney can enlighten you about what to do if you suspect a patent infringement and help pursue damages.  COFFYLAW, LLC is dedicated to offering trusted advocacy and skilled representation to clients in their patent infringement cases. Attorney Emmanuel Coffy and his trusted legal team can...

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How Long Does Bankruptcy Appear on a Credit Report? 

Having a favorable credit report is important. A good credit score determines whether you qualify for secured and unsecured loans and the interest rates you will pay for using someone else’s money. Although some people may be able to pay cash as they go through life, most need financing to garner their piece of the American dream.  Without a doubt, bankruptcy is hostile to credit reports. It will appear on your report when it is filed and remain there for a period of time. Your credit score will take a hit. You will need to work to restore your credit.   Although this...

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Dispelling Business Formation Myths

Many business owners struggle with finding time to do proper research before starting a business. As a result, they rely on inaccurate information about business formation and end up making mistakes that thwart their success or cause legal or financial issues.   There are two reasons why business owners make mistakes when starting a business: (1) They cannot separate fact from fiction due to the abundance of information online, and (2) They do not seek the assistance of a business formation attorney. There are countless myths and misconceptions spread on the Internet and social media by people who call themselves “entrepreneurs” but have...

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Ex-Parte Reexam vs. Inter-Partes Reexam vs. Post-Grant Review 

Suppose you’re running a business using certain methods or technological devices, and suddenly a patent is granted that threatens your operations. You believe the patent to be at least partially invalid based upon prior patents or printed documents, and you weigh your options for challenging the newly granted patent.  One way is to file a declaratory judgment action in federal district court seeking to invalidate the patent. This type of legal action, however, is costly and time consuming. Fortunately, there are options for challenging a patent within the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) system.  There are now three popular avenues for...

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Inventor in Residence

Inventor In Residence – Darrell Fertakos is an internationally recognized award winning product developer, intellectual property creator in over 35 industries, serial entrepreneur and named a prolific inventor by The Discovery Channel and Modern Marvel out of 4,200 by The History Channel for his ability to invent game changing innovations, winning products and his unique ability to devise award winning creative solutions to problems. With training in new product development from Hall of Fame PH.D. Inventor professor in college Dr. Phillip Anderson, named NJ Inventor of Year with over 100 patents inspired Darrell to continue his passion for inventing after joining an...

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Apple, Google, McDonald’s, Gatorade, and Adidas are among the most famous trademarks in the United States. Trademarks registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) receive broad legal protections. If you’re starting off in a business, you may want to receive trademark protection for your name, slogan, logo, or symbol, but there are various steps you must take in the process to achieve USPTO recognition. The first, of course, is to prove that your mark is distinctive to your brand and is not being used for a similar product or service by someone else. For example, “I’m Lovin’ It” may...

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Trade secrets are a key component of a company’s intellectual property. In fact, trade secrets are often a company’s most valuable asset and may consist of any formula, technique, process, pattern, or device that provides the business with a competitive edge. The skillful business litigation attorneys at COFFYLAW, LLC can help you identify what qualifies as a trade secret and what steps you need to take to protect it from infringement, theft, and misappropriation by employees or competitors. Our trade secrets attorneys with offices in New Jersey and New York have a track record of success representing businesses in intellectual property disputes and...

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